Program #MFMW24
Day 1 • Monday, November 18, 2024
Keeping up with the Good and Bad of AI in Journalism
Wilfried Runde
Deutsche Welle
The Future of Streaming: Personalized Experiences with the ARTE Chatbot
Kemal Görgülü
Q&Awith Prof. Linda Rath
The media world is currently experiencing a groundbreaking change: artificial intelligence is influencing how we tell stories, create news and consume content. What opportunities and risks does this present for the future of journalism?
At the Medienforum Mittweida on November 18, 2024, two experts will share their views and experiences on this topic:
Wilfried Runde, Head of Research and Cooperation Projects at Deutsche Welle, will shed light on the role of AI in journalism in his presentation “Smart News: Journalism in Transition”. With over 14 years of experience in the media sector and a strong innovation and digitalization agenda, he offers exciting perspectives on the transformation of the news world.
Kemal Görgülü, Chief Technology Officer at ARTE, will address the topic “The future of streaming: personalized experiences with the ARTE chatbot.” He will show how AI-based tools such as the new ARTE chatbot create personalized streaming experiences and revolutionize the relationship with the audience.

Wilfried Runde

Kemal Görgülü
Iconic Shots: Paris 2024 @teamdeutschland
Paul Hüttemann
Freelance Photographer & Videographer
Soccer on Social Media UEFA Euro 2024
Irsa Golemi
Freelance Social Media Editor
Q&A with Prof. Georg Puchner
Sports marketing thrives on creativity, innovation and the right media strategy. But how do you get started in this dynamic industry and what skills are crucial to be successful at the highest level?
At the Mittweida Media Forum on November 18, 2024, two experienced industry experts will share their knowledge and tips with the audience:
Paul Hüttemann is a freelance photographer and videographer who has worked with Lena Meyer-Landrut, Wincent Weiss, Mark Forster, The Voice of Germany and Zalando. Over the past three years, he has accompanied Team Germany as one of the photographers at the Olympic Games. He reveals how to become a freelance photographer and videographer and establish yourself on the market.
Irsa Golemi is a social media editor at Bavaria Entertainment. With experience as a freelance editor and volunteer in the UEFA Media Team, she provides insights into the production and distribution of content in the sports sector. She explains how to set trends and how UEFA ensures to stay relevant on different media platforms.
In May 2024, the documentary series “Confessions of a Neo-Nazi” was released by the production company sendefähig. Dennis Winter is managing director and producer at sendefähig and presents the documentary about the right-wing scene and the machinations of neo-Nazis. He studied journalism and film in Bremen and Australia. In his professional career, he has worked for ARD, for example as editorial director of funk's “Y-Kollektiv”.
The panel will be moderated by Prof. Janis Brinkmann, Professor of Journalism in the Digital Information Economy and Dean of Studies for Media Management at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

Paul Hüttemann

Irsa Golemi
lunch break
White Light Laser Sources for Events and Broadcast
Jens Langner
Robe Lighting
Spectera: The Future of Wireless Pro Audio
Volker Schmitt
Q&Awith Prof. Mike Winkler
In the wake of rapid technological developments in the media technology industry, we are looking forward to a panel dedicated to the latest innovations in lighting and audio technology - white light laser sources and the new wireless system “Spectera”.
Jens Langner, Business Development Manager at Robe Germany and expert in the field of lighting technology, will talk about the latest white light laser sources for the event and broadcast sector and demonstrate the advantages of using lasers compared to LEDs. He is heavily involved in the industry, be it through his blog, his podcast or his young talent development program. He therefore knows what is important and will provide valuable insights into the application of the latest lighting technologies.
Volker Schmitt from Sennheiser, will present the latest wireless system “Spectera” from Sennheiser. With his many years of experience in the development of wireless microphone systems and as head of the Sennheiser SoundAcademy, he is a true industry expert who can provide sound technical insights into the innovations of the new wireless system.

Jens Langner

Volker Schmitt
Sustainable Commercial Film Production: HORNBACH
Lutz Müller
Kanu Film
AI Video Tools
Simon Hauser
Q&Awith Prof. Christof Amrhein
We are living in an exciting time in which sustainability and innovative technologies such as AI are becoming increasingly important - even in the advertising and film industry, which is often not perceived as a pioneer in these areas. But it is precisely here that enormous potential is opening up, not only to optimize creative processes through the use of AI, but also to develop resource-saving projects.
In the “Creative Advertising” panel, Lutz Müller and Simon Hauser will provide you with valuable insights into two key topics. As an experienced industry expert, Lutz Müller will provide valuable insights into his work on sustainable advertising film productions, while Simon Hauser, as a creative and technological leader at Jung von Matt, will focus on the future of video technologies.
Lutz Müller, Managing Director and Executive Producer at Kanu Film, will show how sustainable advertising film production can be designed with a focus on reducing CO2 emissions on set. He will also offer an insight behind the scenes of the Hornbach campaign “Buchstaben-Klau” and explain what the missing letters are all about.
Simon Hauser, Creative Technologist at Jung von Matt CREATORS, will explain the possibilities and the future of video AI. His focus is on optimizing digital sales strategies and developing innovative marketing solutions that also ensure brand safety. Jung von Matt Creators' clients include Maxdome, the Theo Müller Group, BMW, Porsche, Lufthansa Miles & More and Postbank.
Afterwards, you can ask your questions in the Q&A with Prof. Christof Amrhein, Professor of Cross-Media Moving Image Production.


Pushing Boundaries: Current Investigative Journalism
Maike Backhaus
Freelance Journalist
Jonathan Sachse
Dennis Winter
Prof. Janis Brinkmann
Muss die Balance zwischen öffentlich-rechtlichen und privaten neu justiert werden?
Uncovering instead of retelling - investigative journalism is increasingly becoming an indispensable aspect of modern reporting and often provides answers to more complex questions in our society. But what makes investigative journalism so special, and why is it more important today than ever?
Maike Backhaus was part of the research team for the SPIEGEL podcast “NDA - Die Akte Kasia Lenhardt”, which was launched in March 2024. This is currently DER SPIEGEL's podcast with the widest reach. Our speaker will report on the life, death and the person behind the former girlfriend of soccer star Jerome Boateng.
Before that, she studied Audiovisual Arts at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne and worked for Axel Springer and ZDF. She has been working as a freelance journalist since 2022.
Jonathan Sachse was involved in the Correctiv investigation “Secret plan against Germany”, which has been polarizing people across Germany since the beginning of 2024. It was about the secret meeting of neo-Nazis, AfD members and leading business people in Potsdam in November 2023. As a reporter and active journalist, Sachse brings a wealth of experience to our talk on investigative journalism. He received his Bachelor's degree in Applied Media Management from Mittweida University of Applied Sciences in 2009 and is a founding member of the research group Correctiv. He has been head of Correctiv.Lokal since 2020.
In May 2024, the documentary series “Confessions of a Neo-Nazi” was released by the production company sendefähig. Dennis Winter is managing director and producer at sendefähig and presents the documentary about the right-wing scene and the machinations of neo-Nazis. He studied journalism and film in Bremen and Australia. In his professional career, he has worked for ARD, for example as editorial director of funk's “Y-Kollektiv”.
The panel will be moderated by Prof. Janis Brinkmann, Professor of Journalism in the Digital Information Economy and Dean of Studies for Media Management at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

Maike Backhaus

Jonathan Sachse

Dennis Winter

Janis Brinkmann
Public Broadcasting Reform under Review
Conrad Clemens
State Chancellery of Saxony
Ralf Ludwig
Prof. Markus Heinker
Muss die Balance zwischen öffentlich-rechtlichen und privaten neu justiert werden?
The biggest reform of public broadcasting in decades is on the home straight. Both the financing and the remit of ARD and ZDF are to be significantly changed by the end of the year. The proposals are the subject of passionate public debate. In some cases, the plans are even driving employees onto the streets. At the Media Forum, we bring together broadcasters, politicians and academics.
TALK: “Media financing on the brink: the reform of public broadcasting under scrutiny”
Ralf Ludwig, Director General of MDR (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk), will be on the podium to provide valuable insights into the practical challenges and strategies of public service broadcasting. Conrad Clemens, Head of the Saxon State Chancellery, will also be a guest. He will shed light on the political perspectives and framework conditions that influence the future of broadcasting.
Prof. Markus Heinker is Professor of Media Economics and Media Policy and Dean of the Media Faculty at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.
High-caliber experts will discuss the future of public broadcasting and the prospects for a comprehensive reform or even a revolution in broadcasting financing at the Mittweida Media Forum.

Conrad Clemens

Ralf Ludwig

Markus Heinker
Tag 2 • Tuesday, November 19, 2024
ZDF: „Geständnisse eines Neonazis“
Martin Benedix
Marian Woller
OnPoint Studios
Q&Awith Prof. Rika Fleck
The panel “Animation for documentaries” focuses on the close collaboration between author and animator. A process that makes profound stories visually tangible. We will focus on the documentary “Confessions of a Neo-Nazi” by sendefähig. This shows how animation and storytelling work together to bring sensitive and socially relevant topics to life.
Experiences and challenges of production: We are delighted to welcome Dennis Winter, co-founder of sendefähig and experienced author and director of the documentary, as a speaker. With a career in journalism and as a former editorial director at the Y-Kollektiv, Dennis explains how the concept came about and the challenges involved in implementing it.
Animation as the key to storytelling: A key partner for this production was Marian Woller, Head of Virtual Production at OnPointStudios. He provides insights into how the animations for this documentary were developed and which innovative approaches were used.
The path of a producer: Martin Benedix, producer of the series and himself a graduate of Mittweida University, will share his own career and the particular aspects and challenges of production.
Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions in the Q&A and take part in the discussion. The Q&A session will be moderated by Prof. Linda Rath, Professor of Media Technology and Development.

Martin Benedix

Marian Woller
Die Mediaagenturen - Trend Monitor
Klaus-Peter Schulz
Die Medienagenturen e.V.
Q&Awith Prof. Ulrich Buser
Disinformation, bots and hate speech. The #Initiative18 is fighting for a freer and safer media landscape. As an expert in the media world, Klaus-Peter Schulz will present the #Initiative18 media campaign and make trend predictions for the future.
In the panel “Freedom needs the whole picture”, Klaus-Peter Schulz, Managing Director of Die Mediaagenturen e.V., will give you deep insights into the current developments of his campaign and also make trend predictions for the future in his keynote speech.
A major topic this year is the #Initiative18. It calls for a free and safe media landscape to be recognized as the 18th Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations. The primary goal is to prevent disinformation, extremist content, bots and hate speech. This should also strengthen human rights, the rule of law and democracy worldwide. An important issue that affects us all.
Last but not least, you can ask your questions directly in the Q&A with Prof. Ulrich Buser and actively participate in the discussion. He teaches media business administration at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

Klaus-Peter Schulz
The Power of Storytelling in E-Sport
Christian Baltes
Eintracht Spandau
E-Sport as a future lab for the digital society
Prof. Tobias Scholz
University of Agder
Q&Awith Prof. Markus Drowatzky
From the basement to a global phenomenon: e-sports has developed into a market worth billions. But what is behind this unprecedented rise? How did video games make the transition from leisure activities to professional competitions with millions of viewers and considerable prize money?
Two recognized experts will provide answers to these questions as part of our panel “Next Level E-Sport: Focus on the Future” at the Medienforum Mittweida.
Christian Baltes is Co-CEO and Product Director of Eintracht Spandau, the e-sports club from Berlin made famous by HandOfBlood. Baltes will talk about the power of storytelling in e-sports and provide exciting insights into the success story of Eintracht Spandau.
Prof. Dr. Tobias Scholz is a professor at the University of Agder in Norway and co-founder of metagame, a company that deals with the integration of e-sports and gaming into the corporate world. He will provide insights into the importance of e-sports as a future laboratory in the digital society and the modern working world.
Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to put your questions directly to the experts and take part in an exciting discussion in a moderated Q&A session led by Professor Markus Drowatzky, Professor of Corporate Communications and e-sports.

Christian Baltes

Prof. Tobias Scholz
lunch break
Films Beyond Borders: Achieving International Success
Ulrike Schröder
Global Screen
Oleg Jampolski
Bravado Media
UFA MITTE and Projects
Henriette Lippold
Q&Awith Prof. Gunther Süß
From script to casting to post-production - how do you produce a series? In our panel “Made in Germany - New Serial Storytelling”, Oleg Jampolski, Ulrike Schröder and Henriette Lippold talk about the process of creating a series.
Oleg Jampolski has worked on projects such as the renowned series “The Swarm” and the series “The Doubters”. After studying media management and information and communication science with a focus on film, Oleg Jampolski gained experience in the field of law. He has been Manager Business Legal Affairs at Bravado Media since May 2023.
Ulrike Schröder is an expert when it comes to sourcing and acquiring TV content. She has been working for Global Screen since 2010, where she plays a key role in the selection and acquisition of high-quality film and series productions for the global market. Global Screen is a subsidiary of Telepool. Ulrike Schröder herself studied media management and communication sciences in Mittweida.
Henriette Lippold is also a professional when it comes to producing series. Her best-known production is “Charité”, for which she was nominated several times for the German Television Award, or SOKO Leipzig. She studied theater studies and ancient history in Leipzig until 2006. She then began her professional career at UFA Fiction, where she has been an executive producer since 2016. UFA Mitte, based in Leipzig, was founded in September 2024. Henriette Lippold talks about the first projects and the direction of UFA's newest unit.

Ulrike Schröder

Oleg Jampolski

Henriette Lippold
AI in Cinema: Digital People in Hollywood
Sven Bliedung von der Heide
Subverting Cinematic Momentum
Ben Bays
University of Texas at Austin
Adrian Weber
Fireframe Studios
From Spider-Man to Avengers:
VFX in Hollywood North
Keywan Mahintorabi
Show Lead
What does Virtual Production mean, and how is this technology used in film production? In our panel "Rethinking Virtual Production - Part 1," these and other questions will be answered by taking a closer look at the process. Almost all of our speakers will be present; Keywan Mahintorabi will join us through livestream from Vancouver, Canada.
Sven Bliedung von der Heide is the CEO of Volucap, which is a company based in Potsdam. Volucap captures people and their movements in three-dimensional space, allowing them to be digitally duplicated and placed in front of different backgrounds. This technology allows for cost-effective film production. Volucap has already contributed to projects such as the Netflix series "1899."
Ben Bays, Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, will discuss the origin of Virtual Production and its potential. According to him, there is still plenty of room for its utilization. He also raises the question if something else gets lost amid all the technological advancement.
Additionally, Virtual Production Supervisor Adrian Weber will be present. He has worked on the special effects of the Oscar-winning film "Poor Things." He aims to present this work in detail during his keynote.
The fourth speaker, Keywan Mahintorabi, has worked on various films, including "Spider-Man: Homecoming," and is currently working as a Show Lead for "Lilo & Stitch." He will showcase the projects he has worked on and explain why the development of Virtual Production is moving from Los Angeles further to Vancouver.

Sven Blieding von der Heide

Ben Bays

Keywan Mahintorabi

Adrian Weber
From Concept to Reality:
The Future of Virtual Production in Entertainment
Dr. Jodi Nelson-Tabor
Final Pixel
Adrian Weber
Fireframe Studios
Sven Bliedung von der Heide
Ben Bays
University of Texas at Austin
Prof. Linda Rath
Ein Podcast des Magazins "journalist" von und mit jungen Medienmachern
Visual effects are now almost irreplaceable in the production of films, television shows, and video games. In our talk, "Rethinking Virtual Production - Part 2," Dr. Jodi Nelson-Tabor, Adrian Weber, Sven Bliedung von der Heide, and Ben Bays discuss the future of virtual production in the film industry and share their insights.
Dr. Jodi Nelson-Tabor, Head of FinalPixel Academy, has over 20 years of experience as a freelance filmmaker and aims to establish virtual production further, especially in the UK.
Adrian Weber works as a Virtual Production Supervisor and contributed to the special effects of the Oscar-winning film Poor Things. He also helped building the Virtual Production Studio at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida.
Sven Bliedung von der Heide is CEO of Volucap in Potsdam, a company that captures people and their movements in 3D. These recordings can be digitally reproduced and integrated into various backgrounds, enabling cost-effective film production. Volucap contributed to the Netflix series 1899.
Ben Bays, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin, is also an expert in VFX with extensive experience in video games, comics, and cartoons. He has worked on numerous video games and various animated series and films.
Following the talk, the opportunity to ask questions and participate in the discussion led by Prof. Linda Rath, will be given. She teaches Media Technology and Development at Mittweida University.

Adrian Weber

Sven Bliedung von der Heide

Ben Bays

Linda Rath
Panels of the Medienforum Mittweida 2023

Soccer for fans & society

Credible & entertaining narration of investigative research

Local journalism for online offerings

How brands grow through "purpose"

The future of dual broadcasting

Freelance Journalismus-Talk
Luca Schmitt-Walz (Host), Marvin Wildhage (Content-Creator @MarvinWildhage), Leonie Schöler (Content-Creator @heeyleonie)

Footballers donate 1% of their salary

Journalistic quality of funk reports